Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Never Thought I Would...

... be eager to go to work. At least it would give me something to do and people to talk to... even if they're not necessarily the people I want to talk to.

I've watched two movies recently: Pirates of the Carribbean: At World's End and Catch and Release. I liked Pirates more than I expected to, although I think Will got the short end of the stick with the whole deal. I loved Catch and Release. Jenifer Garner was great as was Timothy Olyphant. Two words: Kevin Smith. How can you go wrong?

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Nick of Time

I am now home from Chester for winter break, and it looks like I got out of dodge just in the nick of time since there was a snowstorm Thursday afternoon. The snow started falling as we pulled into my driveway.

Now I'm home and missing people already. But, no assigments!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Kicking My Ass

I feel like finals are kicking my ass right now. Most of all digital imaging. I think it's ridiculous to have all our shit in one week. I think they should spread it over 2 because it would be less overwhelming in my opinion, but they probably won't because it's harder to organize that way.

A lot of people seem to be having some sort of computer issues. My internet's acting screwy, but nothing else so far. Hopefully it stays that way.

My roommate's computer, however, is on its death bed coughing and sputtering. Which sucks lots.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Did you know...

That douching with coca cola is NOT a form of birth control or safe sex?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Strangest Dream

I had a very strange dream last night, and I still remembered it when I woke up this morning, which hasn't happened in forever. Here it is:

I end up at some sort of party at this awesome place - a huge building with wall-to-wall carpeting, big windows with an ocean view, this amazing spiral staircase. I think it's someone's stellar crib. So I end up at this party, and it turns out to be this big deal millionaire/celebrity party, which is amazing... except no one will talk to me or even glance in my direction. Those bitches!

I sit down at a table and someone's coat is on a chair across from me. The person sitting there turns out to be Minnie Driver (Good Will Hunting, The Riches). And she looks at me and says, "No one's talking to you, are they?" to which I reply, "Not really, no." And she says, "Me neither. I guess neither of us belong here, do we?" I heartily disagree, but she accuses me of patronizing her and we end up sipping cocktails and talking. Then we both spot Demi Moore as she walks in (alone- scandalous!). So we each try to talk to her and she blows us both off. We spend the rest of the night drinking and talking about how much of a bitch she is.

Disclaimer: This is a dream and did not actually happen (duh). And I do think Minnie Driver belonged there and was in no way trying to undermine her celebrity status or acting ability. And I have never met Minnie Driver or Demi Moore, and have no idea if Demi Moore is a bitch or not.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Yes, it's that wonderful time again: finals!

And the campus is all cold and snowy.

And my internet doesn't stay active for very long when I can get on at all, so I'm going to try to make this short and sweet before I get booted off again.

I'm not really stressing, although I probably should be. Nothing much is going on in my life right now. Nothing worth mentioning, anyway.

I did see I Know Who Killed Me. It was weird. But Lindsay Lohan did a decent job, I think. It was more gory than suspenseful.

That's all I'll write until my Internet gets back to normal. If it does.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feelin' the Same Way...

Not gonna lie, this has been a pretty stressful week. More stressful than it should be. Finals are coming up very soon, which is always a sure-fire way to turn people into crazy balls of stress and frustration - everybody. It's finals. We all go through it.

Hi ho.

Oh, and I've been reading Kurt Vonnegut.

But yeah. I've been pretty upset this week for a number of reasons. Mainly because I'm really missing a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. Good friends whose schedules I haven't been able to match up with. Family members. I miss everyone.

On another note, I'm listening to lots of Tyler Hilton and Norah Jones this week. Somber, mellow tunes. And talking to Shannon! Which has been more helpful than she can know.

I've also been watching Dane Cook and clips from the new movie August Rush staring Freddie Highmore (I think that's his name), Keri Russel, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (in a role where he's not a psycho! I love it!) It looks like such a good movie and I'm dying to see it. No cash or time this weekend, but maybe eventually.

Mom's birthday is Saturday and I have lots of work to do for next week. Possible snow at the end of the weekend, so hopefully I can get back up to Chester.


I am what you see,
I am not what they say.
But if I turned out to be
Could you love me anyway?
I'm standing anonymous

Hoping your heart will just wake up
And ask for me by name,
Maybe someday will ask for me by name.
Just not today.
"You'll Ask for Me" by Tyler Hilton

The sun just slipped its note below my door
And I can't hide beneath my sheets.
I've read the words before
So now I know the time has come for me.
And I'm feelin' the same way all over again,
Feelin' the same way all over again,
Sayin' the same lines all over again
No matter how much I pretend.
"Feelin' the Same Way" by Norah Jones

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cold Water, A Pool Hall, and Blood and Gore

It's Tuesday and I've more or less settled back into school after Thanksgiving break. Last Tuesday I got home at around 8:30 because I had a night class and had to be out of the dorms by 10 pm. Not having had a truly hot shower in about a week and a half, I was eager to take a long, hot bath. But when I filled up the tub, the water was disappointingly luke warm.

The next day we learned through my father's careful observation that our hot water heater was rotted, so after trying desperately all day to salvage the thing, Mom and Dad finally gave in and ventured out to Sears to get a new hot water heater. Of course, Dad didn't have enough gas in his truck, so the thing broke down just down the road from Sears. He ended up calling me about 6 times to get numbers from his cell phone (he didn't have it with him, of course) and calling a friend to come put gas in the truck and save the day. They got the water heater and all was right with the world.

Thursday we went to my aunt and uncle's house to gorge ourselves on stuffing and turkey. After my cousin Dan left to go home to his apartment we all went to a pool hall for a while.

Friday I hung out with my friend Kim. She bought me the movies Girl, Interrupted and Almost Famous - very late birthday gifts, she insisted. I watched the movie Captivity when I got home. It's a horror film starring Elisha Cuthbert and Daniel Gillies. It scared the shit out of me. The basic plot is this: Actress/model Jennifer Tree (Cuthbert) has it all: fame, beauty, a flourishing career, but all she wants is just one day to relax and be herself. She gets more than she bargained for when she is drugged and kidnapped. When she awakes she is in an unfamiliar, scary place where her captor appears dressed all in black just long enough to drug and torture her. She finds comfort in Gary (Gillies), a fellow prisoner with a few tricks up his sleeve. Despite the dire situation, the two are able to steal moments of solace and comfort together as they try to find a way out of this madness. A love story within the horror genre, this film had me chewing my nails on the edge of my seat. Suspense, mystery, gore, romance. It's all there. In the style of Saw, House of Wax (2005) and The People Under the Stairs, I'd definitely recommend this film to horror fans.

That's my vacation in a nutshell.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Noel and Christina's Subway Misadventure

The night air was chilly. Christina and I hurried up the hill from our dorm, eager to reach her car in the parking lot. Once inside, we waited for the car to warm up, talking about life and silly things. We were about to embark on an adventure. We just didn't know it yet.

After traveling the long and winding road, dodging crazy Derry drivers (you wouldn't think so, but they're here) we reached our destination: Subway (eat fresh).

There were two young men working behind the counter. Christina called them Sweetheart and Doof. The one called Sweetheart, she confided, is usually the person who makes her subs when she comes in and he's always a "sweetheart," hence the name. Doof, on the other hand... well, you know how you talk to someone for a few minutes and you realize they have that far-away look that says they're just a few spades short of a full deck? Doof was one of these people. In the process of making Christina's sub - roasted chicken with swiss cheese - Doof asked her at least four times what kind of cheese she wanted. FOUR! It didn't even take him four minutes to make the sub!

The food mission having been accomplished, we sat down so she could eat. And then we left and decided to drive around down roads we hadn't traveled yet. We passed the prison (didn't know we had one) and quite a few sketchy houses, and ended up in Manchester. We were just about to go into Hollywood Video when I patted my pockets. My keys jingled in my left pocket. The right pocket was empty.

Panic began to gnaw at the back of my mind.

"Fuck. Where's my phone?"

After standing up, checking and re-checking my pockets, feeling up the seat and the floor, I turned to Christina with what must've been a hideously pained expression. She called my phone and we waited.

Ring, I thought. Ring!

No such luck.

Back to Subway we go. Subway closes at 11. It is now 10:35 and we are in downtown Manchester. And we hit every redlight on the way. Visions of me pounding desperately on the glass pane in the Subway door and making wild hand gestures at Doof in an attempt to plead with him swam through my mind. Christina and I started talking, for some reason, about Mark Wahlberg. We tried to remember what Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch was all about. We got there with fifteen minutes to spare and retrieved the phone from Sweetheart.

From now on every time I need something to go right I'll think of Mark Wahlberg.

Oh, and a one-sided AIM conversation I found when I got back.
Mom: Noel
Me: [Away Message]
Mom: Noel are you there
Me: [Away Message]
*sometime later...
Mom: Noel did you go to Subway in Derry? They have your phone.

Yeah. What a night.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Literary Orgasm

I've been meaning to update this thing for a few weeks now, but haven't had the drive to do so. I blame this on the fact that my life is not all that interesting. I do the same things everyone does: wake up, eat, go to class, do some work, eat again, drink some coffee maybe, chit-chat with friends. Occasionally something amusing or out of the ordinary will happen, but it's usually not anything quite awesome enough to make the blog.

Well tonight I have experienced something I can only describe using a term borrowed from Jamie: a literary orgasm.

And that experience was Sister Spit.

Seven women, two hours, one mic.

Fucking amazing.

Check them out.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

All Work and No Play Pt. 2

So I was bitching before about having too much work to do... well now I have double the work form that whole being gone for a week extravagansa. That's what I get for bitching, I guess.

The weather's getting colder and everything's dying, which is always pleasant. And I miss lots of people I haven't seen in forever. So I'm kind of sad.

But so it goes.

You say you want a revolution...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Down with the Sickness

I'm getting better, but I've been sick all week. It started with a tickle in my throat Saturday night, and turned into hacking up a lung. Upper respiratory infection + bronchitis isn't fun at all. Then the anti-biotics gave me stomache issues, which was just a party and a half. Now I'm feeling much much better, but am worried about my classes and mid-terms. But, what can you do?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

All Work and No Play...

... Makes me sad.

I feel like I've been doing homework for 2 months straight. And only about 10% of it actually has to do with creative writing. I have a digital imaging assignment due tomorrow and I just have not been able to do it right. It's like the Photo Gods decided I suck this week and put every possible obstacle they could in my path. And I have all these story ideas and I can't write any of them because I just don't have time. I hope this lets up after mid-terms.

What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song.
I will try not to sing out of key.

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Goonie Weekend?

Well, definitely a girly weekend. I stayed at Chester for a weekend for the first time since Orientation weekend, and it was pretty bipolar. Most of the time I was doing homework (which is so much easier in the dorms than it is at home). But Friday night I had a girly night with Christina - we read The Nanny Diaries and talked about hot celebrities; Saturday night I had a girly night with Jamie - we did makeup and nails and took pictures and later Alicia joined and we talked about hot celebrities; then last night I had a girly nigth with Serah, Christina, Jamie, and briefly Dan (although he was pretty uncomfortable) - Jamie brought her Body Shop stuff and we all tested it out. Last night was kind of a combo of the previous two.

The weekend here was okay, but I did miss some things about being home.

Shannon, you and me should have a girly night on Thursday! We can do girly things and watch Supernatural.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What an excellent day for...

... having to print photos and walk back down to the dorms without getting them wet. Hopefully this rain dies down a bit by 7:30.

So, funny story about taking the photos I'll be printing tonight. Not funny as in funny "ha-ha," but funny as in "duh."

I just got a new digital camera (thanks to Dad ordering it on-line and having it shipped here for me. What a good guy!). So I put the batteries in, insert the memory card, take a few test photos and the thing's amazing. Rather than taking the remaining photos I need for my assignment using the other camera, which is decent but just not quite up to par, I decide to use the new one.

I take 8 photos and the thing beeps at me. Memory card full!

Apparently it is not uncommon for most camera manufacturers or whomever to include a "sample" memory card to get you started, forcing you to go out and buy a larger memory card if you intend to do any picture taking that takes place more than 10 feet away from your computer.

Of course I'm in the middle of nowhere without a car or the time to run out to Best Buy or wherever to purchase this new memory card.

Well, the pictures I did get came out pretty good, I think. Won't know for sure until I tweak the color and tone in Photoshop, but we shall see.

And this has been yet another "blonde moment" brought to you by the Noel Show. Hope you enjoyed it!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Somebody's got a case of The Mondays...

Or, you know, the fact that it's rainy and cold and it's like everyone has disappeared. I have one class tonight that goes from 6 to 8:50 and I'm not liking the work I'm going to have to submit for it. These photos are definitely not my best, and I have no idea what went wrong in the execution of this project. I'm sure plenty of people will let me know when we critique this shit.

And, Britney Spears' VMA performance... absolutely nothing good about it. Bad outfit (although I disagree that she is "chunky". She's had 2 kids! If that's chunky then I must be a whale.) Terrible hair. She totally should have gone with a kickass short style rather than badly done and badly matched extensions. She didn't even try to sing or even try to match her lip syncing to the song, and she definitely was not into that dance routine. If she was excited about this performance she definitely didn't show it.

*Sigh* Happy Monday.

Monday, August 13, 2007

You've Got to Be Kidding Me

Who the hell breaks into Dunkin Donuts for the money from the register? Seriously. We can't even break a hundred out of that thing at any given time of day. It's got to be a joke, right? No one in their right mind would think they could get a worthwhile sum of money from the Dunkin register after the night shift.

But, no. Someone did it. Someone actually smashed the pane glass window in the door after the place was closed, hopped behind the counter, opened the registers only to find them empty, and then did the same thing at the Mobil. Didn't try breaking into the office of Dunkin Donuts, didn't try to find the Lottery money at the Mobil, didn't even take any food on his way out. Just took off empty-handed.

Who the hell does that?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Would you like anything else with that coffee?

... Like a bitch slap, maybe?

So, picture this. I'm working at a well-known coffee empire, on which America runs, apparently. I've been there for about a week and I just finished training. Every day I've worked this classy young lady comes in, who looks like she could use a stint in rehab as well as a 4-hour shower. Sometimes she comes in with her hunk of a boyfriend ( a hunk of what, I'll leave to your imagination). I worked Sunday morning from 7 to 12 and I had just gone on break when Miss Class showed up. As soon as I saw her I felt a perplexing combination of relief that I didn't have to serve her and guilt because my sweetheart of a co-worker, Sam, who is also fairly new, had to take her.

This is how it went down.

Girl: "I'll have a small ice coffee."
Sam: "Regular?"
Girl: (points to me) "That girl knows how to make it."
[Keep in mind that A: I've never made this chick's coffee before and B: I'm on break. So I just shrug and smile as I take a bite out of the bagel I just grabbed for my breakfast.]
Girl: (to Sam) "Well, I want a lot, a lot of cream, like six sugars, melted, but when you melt it you gotta pour it between two cups. And I only want a little bit of ice."
Sam: *blinks* "Excuse me?"
[Keep in mind that an ice coffee is basically hot coffee with a shitload of ice poured into it to cool it down. And it's usually very simple to prepare.]

So, there's a line of people behind this wonderful customer and poor Sam is sitting there looking like a mad scientist mixing a new formula as she's trying to make this overly-complicated coffee. She ends up having to remake it several times after the girl taste-tests it and insists Sam didn't make it right. Then when it's finally done like 10 years later, the chick pays in change, mentos, and pocket lint and doesn't even throw a penny in the tip cup.

And that's just one of the pains in the ass that comes in daily. Then there's the guy that orders like 4 smoothies and 6 colattas, among others. I pitty the poor bastard who comes in for a small black coffee and has to wait behind one of these douchebags.

Cheers, mates.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Business End of Higher Education

I got a billing statement from my college saying I owe them a shitload of money.

I took out a loan for just this purpose.

They left me a number to call the business office and straighten this out.

Then everyone took off until Monday.

Oh how I love these little adventures. Yes, that's what I'll call them. "Adventures." Not "unfortunate communication mishaps" or "frustrating occurances" or "inconsiderate f***-ups." I will call them "adventures."

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Employment Conspiracy

So why is it that teenagers from ages 14 to 17 can get a job practically anywhere doing practically everything, from bagging groceries at Market Basket to working at some big corporate company, while those of us trying to get a college education can't even get a callback from Wendy's or Office Max? Maybe it's just Billerica.

Food for thought, kids. Food for thought.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

People Suck

So, I'm job-hunting, as anyone who reads this knows. And on Friday I make a phonecall to a certain store to which I recently applied for a job. I call and this girl answers and she just has an attitude from the second she picks up the phone. Here's how the conversation went:
The girl picked up, mumbled some inaudible greeting that could've been "go f*** yourself" for all I knew, and somewhere in there said the name of the store.
"Hello," I said. "I'm calling to check on the status of a job application."
She says, "You what?" as if I just told her I killed her dog and fed it to her mother.
I reply, "I'd like to check on a job application."
She says, rather huffily I might add, "Just go online." and hangs up.
Mind you, you can't check whether or not they've read the ap and considered you online. And I've already filled out the actual application. And she didn't even give me the website.
All I have to say is if they hired her for her reception skills, I'm totally in.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

One or Two Things

Long time no post. It's summer time, and there hasn't been much going on for me. I'm job-hunting and writing, hanging out with friends. Yadda yadda.

Just a few things I want to talk about that I find amusing. Paris Hilton in prison. It's about damn time. Maybe now she'll realize that just because her name is Hilton she can't do whatever the hell she wants and get away with it. Maybe she and Lindsay Lohan will be in the same cell block. Rosie O'Donnell getting kicked off The View. Priceless. Although I think Elizabeth needs to be less hostile with her opinions. Agree to disagree for Christ sakes and get on with the show. As a flollow-up to that comment, Kathy Griffin as a guest Co-Host. Yeesh, if that's not mixing oil and water I don't know what is. I love Kathy Griffin, but apparently Barbara Walters doesn't.

And here's something that's just my luck. One of my classes was cancelled, which was expected, and another's time was changed. Here we go again.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Finals and Awkward Birthdays

So, I just finished my last essay and last final of the semester. Yay me!

And here's a funny little story.
Friday, I go to this birthday bash for my dad's aunt, whom I haven't seen since I was like 9 years old. Mind you, had I realized this little shindig was taking place during move-out weekend, I totally wouldn't have agreed to it. But I didn't so I did. Everyone there aside from my dad, my grandmother, and my aunt (who was half hammered when we got there) was either someone I'd never met, or someone I didn't remember very well. So I might as well have been partying with a bunch of strangers. I was also exhausted and had 2 final essays due for Monday I wanted to work on. So between dealing with awkward hugs and conversations (where every person thought I was 13 instead of almost 19) and baby-sitting Drunkie, I was pretty much all set with that scene. But it could've been worse.

I rented 3 movies over the weekend: The Hitcher, Notes on a Scandal, and some B flick called Thr3E (yes, the 3 is actually in there.) Notes on a Scandal was really good, The Hitcher wasn't bad, and Thr3E was really weird, but not terrible.

That's it for now. Later.
"Shit Happened? Have a drink."- Malloy/Banda-ism

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bye Bye CCNE

Well, I'm not gone yet, but I will be leaving Tuesday.

Until then I have finals to study for, essays to write, rocky friendships to salvage or ignore, and a lot of packing to do.

Shit Happens: "If shit has not happened yet, then shit is bound to happen soon."- Dan Keating.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Silent Hill?

Nope. Just CCNE on the weekend.

This is the third weekend I've stayed here, and it'll probably be the last this semester because we get out in a few weeks, and all of my friends went home. So, it looks like I'll be spending the weekend locked in my room watching youtube (which actually does get boring after a while.) Today I've rearranged my desk and cleaned up a little. I've tried to make everything a little more spacious and more comfortable. (If I'm going to be sitting in front of the computer for 2 or 3 days, I should probably be a little more ergonomical about it.)

Now for a fun compare/contrast list:

Chester College vs. Silent Hill
- There are cars everywhere, but you can't drive any of them (and if you can, you're probably not here.)
- There aren't many people around.
- The people you do come in contact with are probably a little weird (no offense. Remember, I'm here too, so I am also weird.)
- It gets foggy randomly.
- There are random floods and fires.
- When you hear the alarm, get the hell out of dodge!
- There's a map of the building in your room. (If there isn't one, you probably don't live here.)
- There are weird paintings and photos everywhere.
- There are weird things written on the walls. (not necessarily written ON the walls literally)
- It is not uncommon to see a few red stains on the floor (sure, it's probably paint, but who knows for sure?)
- Once it starts snowing, everyone goes crazy. (Snow. Ash. Potato. Pot-ah-toe)
- If you see a random little girl running around and she's not accompanied by anyone, it's a little creepy.
- It wouldn't be out of the ordinary to see someone walking around with a large pyramid thing on his/her head.
- The bathrooms aren't exactly at peak sanitary condition. There's probably a random closed stall door with no one inside, or one falling off the hinges.
- The kitchen's probably not that appealing either.
- The lock on almost every door you come in contact with is broken.
- You need a key to get in. Always.
- Your cell phone may not work here.
- If the power goes out, everything looks red.
- You also need a flashlight^^
- You also can't use the elevator if the power goes out (duh.)^^
- You never know what you're going to find on the other side of the elevator door.
- You will most likely meet someone who knows all about the zombies.
- It is not uncommon to hear any of the following noises: a door closing, footsteps, maniacal laughter, screaming, knocking, moaning, groaning, banging, pounding, etc.
- You may hear eerie music as you're walking down the hall.
- Everyone's got their own shit to take care of, so you're on your own.
- It seems like a good idea at the time, but you always regret opening the fridge.
- Once you're here a while, you want to get the hell out.
- But we love it anyway.

If anyone has anything to add/correct, let me know!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lively Debate? Pfft. Yeah, Whatever.

Picture this. You're sitting in class, talking about the social commentary in a particular literary work, and you voice your valid opinion with eloquence and moderate intelligence when -- before you're even finished -- someone barks, "I don't agree with that because..." and goes off on a tangent about their opinion, which is probably also valid, but isn't done justice because it was delivered in such a non-eloquent, non-intelligent way. (This is not aimed at anybody in particular, just in general.)

Or, try this scenario. You're at an art show and you're admiring the work when someone comes up to you and asks what you think. You, as a moderately intelligent person with eyes, give your opinion of the use of color, painting technique, design principles, etc. and they automatically have to start a debate with you about it and try to make you feel stupid, even though you clearly know what you're talking about.

Now, I don't mind a lively debate every now and then if both parties are up for it and both opinions are voiced intelligently (rather than saying things like, "That's dumb," or "What do YOU know?" or my personal favorite, "Yeah, whatever.") But why in the name of all that is sacred and good would you want to walk up to a person randomly in a public setting and just disagree with them for the sake of debate? And why are you not willing to properly back up your argument? I don't know what is up with these random debates, but I'd prefer not to be caught off guard with some doof's random opinion, and then beaten over the head with it over and over again, only to have the guy/girl end the thing with, "Pffft. Yeah, whatever."

That is just lame and stupid. Don't do it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It Was An Accident, I Swear!

Okay. A quick anecdote to start us off:

I was sitting in my dorm room yesterday with a few minutes to spare, but not enough time to do anything productive like an essay. So I searched Yahoo! for some fun quizzes and found one: Which Sin City Character Are You? I've seen Sin City. I thought the characters were interesting, and thought it would be equally interesting to see which of them I was. I clicked the link and started taking the quiz, a process which was surprisingly amusing and enjoyable. When I got to the last question and clicked for my results, it wanted me to register with an email address. This has happened to me before, and it's usually so the site can email your results. I thought, What the hell, I have an email address I made solely for things like this. So I complete the short registration page, figuring I'll be asked to activate a link in the email or something and then receive my results. No big deal. But, much to my surprise, I am asked to make a simple profile, writing a few sentences about myself. I think, Odd, but okay. I guess it can't hurt. So I include a few interests, some hobbies, fun facts. Whatever. And then I'm asked to pick 3 adjectives to describe myself. This strikes me as a rather unusual request for a quiz profile, but I do it anyway just wanting to get it over with.

I completed my profile and the whole process took me 3 to 5 minutes, so it wasn't like I was sitting there for an hour just trying to get these stupid quiz results or anything. I just figured it'd be worth taking the 5 minutes if I got to take and make some awsome quizzes. I click the Submit button, and wait. And then I receive, much to my surprise, this lovely message across the screen:

Congratulations! You are now a member of OKCupid, the #1 dating site!

[insert open-mouthed, wide-eyed look of horrified shock, followed by a rather vocal exclamation of "What-the-F**K?!?!?!"] <-- This got my room mate's attention, who laughed hysterically at the situation only I could've found a way into.

Yeah, who saw that one coming? Cuz I sure as hell didn't.

The point, folks? Pay more attention to the web address on those fun quiz sites you sign up for because the "cupid" part definitely should've tipped me off.

Rule #1: Always look at the web address before submitting ANYTHING online.
If MySpace has taught us nothing else, let us hope it has taught most of us that little life lesson.

Oh, I'm Nancy Callihan, by the way. I'm also Wiley Coyote and my dating personality is "The Sonnett," whatever the hell that means.

Friday, April 13, 2007

New England Weather

About a week ago I was talking to a friend of mine, and we were discussing how beautiful the weather was. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, it was warm but not too warm, and the snow was almost completely melted. It was one of those days that makes you want to go for a run or play some soccer with your pals, or just sit at a picnic table somewhere and enjoy the great outdoors. And I thought to myself, "Finally, Spring has arrived and we can all relax and put away our winter coats."

Two days later, it was 35 degrees outside, there was a blizzard, and we lost power. Now it's just cold and there's always some kind of percipitation to deal with.

What the hell is going on? Attention Winter, it's April. Go away and let your pretty friend Spring have some fun, will ya?

As a side-note, during said power outage, I discovered that your friends totally have your back whenever you need them...

...Unless it's dark and you're the only one with a flashlight, but it's downstairs in your room. Then you can just go off on your own, like that dumb chick that dies first in the horror movies, wandering around the darkened hallways of the dorm. And they'll all wish you the best of luck, but no one will accompany you on this journey, or even form a search party if you go missing for too long.

Guys, I know the virgin's always the one to survive the killing spree in the slasher flicks, but do we really need to put it to the test?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Time is War

I am officially at war with time.

For the past few months, it seems the timing in my life for just about everything has been awful. A funny anecdote to highlight my point:

This morning I woke up at 8:30 AM, as I'd intended to when I settled into bed last night and set my alarm clock. I went to the bathroom, - which is probably crawling with disease, but that's a horse of a different color, size, and shape - got dressed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, yadda yadda. I came back to my room and started packing up for Poetry class when I realized I had forgotten to make copies of my poem the day before. That was because I spent most of that day in the disgusting bathroom feeling like an eel was doing summersaults in my stomache, but that's another story. I glanced at my alarm clock, saw that it was 9:30 and went to the library to borrow the copy machine.
I got to the library, and they were having some kind of issue with the copy machine (of course) so I had to stand around and wait for the girl ahead of me to finish up before letting Joe, who works at the library, copy my poem for me. I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't check the time, but I figured I was going to be fashionably late for class. But, in the professor's head, it probably would've been worse to show up on time but unprepared than to show up a few minutes late with everything I needed.
As soon as the copies were done I bolted up to the Powers building, where my Poetry class takes place, and I opened the door to the classroom ever so carefully in hopes of sneaking in unnoticed...
And there was no one there.
I'm not even kidding, there was no one there. Nor was there any sign at all that anyone had been there at all this morning. I vaguely wondered if I should have looked for the word Croatoan carved on a wooden beam as I wandered around the building for a few minutes, seeing if the class simply moved to a different room for some reason. I didn't find them so, aggravated, I headed back to my dorm.
I got there and noticed my neighbor Dan, who is also in my 10 AM poetry class, was on line. So I IM'd him and asked what happened with Poetry. He had no idea what I was talking about, so I explained.
There was a long pause before he replied, "Uh, Noel... It's 9:42. Class hasn't started yet."
I looked at my alarm clock and it said 10:45, as I'd expected. But I looked at my computer clock and my cell phone, and both said 9:42.
Mind you, my alarm clock and my cell phone matched last night after I set my alarm for 8:30 AM.
I grudgingly reset my alarm clock, and still managed to be late for Poetry.

In a completely related incident, 2 weeks ago I had a leadership seminar at noon. I set my alarm for 11, woke up, got ready, forgot my cellphone in my room and went to lunch at around 11:30, figuring I'd make it to leadership by noon. I got there, and it turned out to be 1. I missed a whole hour of time. Mind you, the clock was right when I went to bed.
If I didn't sleep in a loft bed with the alarm clock in a spot virtually unreachable from the floor unless you climb up to get it, I'd say my roommate was messing with me.
But, no. It's time.
What a bitch.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So here's what's on the schedule for this week:

Friday- Class Registration (Someone punch me in the face to distract me from this bullshit)
- 1st show of 365 Days, 365 Plays (yeah, I'm in it and totally tweaking)
Saturday- 2nd show of 365.
Sunday- Nana's Birthday.
Monday- Back to school.

So you can imagine how exciting this week has been in preparation for all of these things.
Toss in some PMS and some allergies and we're cookin' with gas.

...which means there could either be an amazing outcome... or something could blow up.
We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Blog About Nothing

Hey, it worked for Seinfeld.

So, my spring break is nearly over and I'm going back to school on Monday. I haven't gone anywhere or seen anyone, sadly. I've been watching movies and playing video games, and contemplating life.

When I watch a movie, strange as it sounds, a part of my brain tries to apply it to my life: a current problem or situation, or one in the past. Whatever. Yesterday I watched The Departed and The Holiday. An interesting combination back-to-back. The former is about organized crime and corrupt cops in Boston (Really? You don't say!). The latter is about 2 depressed women, fresh out of difficult break-ups, who switch homes for 2 weeks. One is a crime-thriller with lots of blood, cursing, and back-stabbing; the other is a total chick flick featuring quirky humor and emotionally distraught women. So watching them both in one sitting was a little jarring.

I was easily able to relate The Holiday to my life. I mean, what girl hasn't wanted to just say screw it and just take off? The Departed, however, was difficult. I am not a crime boss, nor am I a corrupt statie from Boston, nor am I a shrink playing both sides. But I do like the song "Shipping Up To Boston" by the Dropkick Murphys and I know people who live in Boston. I guess that's close enough.

And if I ever decide to refer to these movies to solve any of my problems, please hope I pick The Holiday. I really don't want to have to kill anyone. Although I've been told I could fit several bodies into the crawlspace of my loftbed...

In other news, I saved Anne Darrow from some dinosaurs today in the PS2 game King Kong. It was awsome.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What happens when you wish for vacation to start sooner?

...Your dorm floods and you evacuate.

No, I am not kidding.

So first Adams Hall catches on fire because of some contractor's genius idea to melt a frozen pipe with an industrial heating lamp. Now Adams re-opens after extensive repair from water and smoke damage -- not to mention the inconvenience to all the Adams residents who had to live in a hotel in Derry for several weeks. Now Preston Hall is out of comission. Why? Because a sprinkler pipe burst and dumped a shitload of water in the main upstairs hall, flooding the 10 rooms in the hallway and damaging parts of the first floor.

So those Preston residents whose rooms were damaged were going to stay in the hotel (yes, the very same hotel the Adams residents just checked out of) while the rest of us stayed in Preston and tried to ignore the in-your-face irony. Then we're told that not only is the sprinkler system out of comission, but also the fire alarm system is shorted out. Therefore, if there is a fire (a FIRE? At CCNE? You don't say!!) we're basically sitting ducks with no defenses. So we're told we can't legally stay in the building and have to haul ass out of there.

Dear Chester College,

Do us all a favor and fix the pipes... And the heat. And stop telling us to calm down when there's a disaster that we're totally NOT paying $24,000 to experience. Where are the hidden cameras and what ancient burial ground did you build this friggin school on?

Yours Truly,

p.s. So that hotel probably loves all the business they're getting... But the Fire Department effing hates us.

Monday, March 5, 2007

It's Time for a Vacation when... find yourself wanting to bash your head against the wall just to distract yourself from the amount of bullshit you have to deal with.

Everyone hates you, even if you do nothing wrong. Everyone's paranoid, even if they have no reason to be. And everyone is trying to study for midterms.

Everyone is ready for vacation, and ready to throw down as a potential distraction.

Jeez, people! Lighten up! I've never wanted to yell "Jerk alert!" in serious context before in my life until now. (Anyone who hasn't seen The Goonies, you should.)

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Letter to the World

Dear Assholes,

Stay the fuck away from me for once.

Your pal,

p.s. See you all on Monday.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Video Games and the College Student, Part 2

So, I have English class at 2:30 on Mondays.
I know this.
I have known this all semester.

Now, since it's a compostition and literature class there is a lot of reading involved. A LOT of reading. Usually we get lots of reading assigned to us on Wednesdays since we have plenty of time between Wednesday and Monday to read, right? Sure, makes sense...

If you're not a video game addict with tons of "new" games to play.

So what was I doing all weekend instead of reading Sylvia Plath's Ariel? I was sitting on my ass in front of the TV, PS2 controller in hand, yelling at Lara Croft for being a douche and not jumping when I pressed the button. Or for not turning the right way. Or for running when I wanted her to walk and NOT fall off the cliff/beam/catwalk. That's what happens when you play the new Tomb Raider: Legend on Xbox, think it's amazing, then assume the old Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness for PS2 will be of lesser quality, but equally amazing. Not so. I can't believe that shit got 5 out of 5 stars. And yet I can't stop playing it. Figures.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Video Games and the College Student

So, this past weekend was Presidents Day Weekend, which meant a long weekend at home for me. A very welcome long weekend since everyone here has cabin fever because we're all stuck inside together. On Saturday I went to EB Games and got 5 used games for like 30 bucks. Score!
I got Silent Hill 3, Clocktower 3, Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, Devil May Cry, and The Thing (but it doesn't work in my console so I have to take it back, but it was only 6 bucks so what can you expect?) So my weekend was pretty much spent playing Silent Hill 3 until I beat it into submission, vomited up a tiny god, and watched my nemesis eat it.

No, I'm not kidding, that actually happened in the game. You can't make that shit up! At that point in the game I yelled downstairs to my Mom, "Oh my God! A dingo ate my baby!! Or, rather, a dingbat ate my regurgitated featus... Right." Now she's playing it to figure out what the hell I was talking about.

Now I can't wait to go home to my PS2 and play Clocktower 3.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Welcome to The Noel Show

Hello to anyone who's reading this. Welcome to my life. I've tried to keep a blog many times in the past, but I usually end up getting lazy. Hopefully that doesn't happen here.

So, I'm a freshman at a small liberal arts college (and when I say small, I'm not kidding. There's only 250 students.... which was the size of my graduating class in high school). For the most part it's pretty cool here, but since it's winter and we're all stuck in the dorms it's getting a little messy. It also gets difficult when this school has sort of a small town/gated community/stepford complex, so... shit happens, as they say.

I will most likely be documenting the shit as it happens in an amusing way.