Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It Was An Accident, I Swear!

Okay. A quick anecdote to start us off:

I was sitting in my dorm room yesterday with a few minutes to spare, but not enough time to do anything productive like an essay. So I searched Yahoo! for some fun quizzes and found one: Which Sin City Character Are You? I've seen Sin City. I thought the characters were interesting, and thought it would be equally interesting to see which of them I was. I clicked the link and started taking the quiz, a process which was surprisingly amusing and enjoyable. When I got to the last question and clicked for my results, it wanted me to register with an email address. This has happened to me before, and it's usually so the site can email your results. I thought, What the hell, I have an email address I made solely for things like this. So I complete the short registration page, figuring I'll be asked to activate a link in the email or something and then receive my results. No big deal. But, much to my surprise, I am asked to make a simple profile, writing a few sentences about myself. I think, Odd, but okay. I guess it can't hurt. So I include a few interests, some hobbies, fun facts. Whatever. And then I'm asked to pick 3 adjectives to describe myself. This strikes me as a rather unusual request for a quiz profile, but I do it anyway just wanting to get it over with.

I completed my profile and the whole process took me 3 to 5 minutes, so it wasn't like I was sitting there for an hour just trying to get these stupid quiz results or anything. I just figured it'd be worth taking the 5 minutes if I got to take and make some awsome quizzes. I click the Submit button, and wait. And then I receive, much to my surprise, this lovely message across the screen:

Congratulations! You are now a member of OKCupid, the #1 dating site!

[insert open-mouthed, wide-eyed look of horrified shock, followed by a rather vocal exclamation of "What-the-F**K?!?!?!"] <-- This got my room mate's attention, who laughed hysterically at the situation only I could've found a way into.

Yeah, who saw that one coming? Cuz I sure as hell didn't.

The point, folks? Pay more attention to the web address on those fun quiz sites you sign up for because the "cupid" part definitely should've tipped me off.

Rule #1: Always look at the web address before submitting ANYTHING online.
If MySpace has taught us nothing else, let us hope it has taught most of us that little life lesson.

Oh, I'm Nancy Callihan, by the way. I'm also Wiley Coyote and my dating personality is "The Sonnett," whatever the hell that means.