Sunday, June 10, 2007

People Suck

So, I'm job-hunting, as anyone who reads this knows. And on Friday I make a phonecall to a certain store to which I recently applied for a job. I call and this girl answers and she just has an attitude from the second she picks up the phone. Here's how the conversation went:
The girl picked up, mumbled some inaudible greeting that could've been "go f*** yourself" for all I knew, and somewhere in there said the name of the store.
"Hello," I said. "I'm calling to check on the status of a job application."
She says, "You what?" as if I just told her I killed her dog and fed it to her mother.
I reply, "I'd like to check on a job application."
She says, rather huffily I might add, "Just go online." and hangs up.
Mind you, you can't check whether or not they've read the ap and considered you online. And I've already filled out the actual application. And she didn't even give me the website.
All I have to say is if they hired her for her reception skills, I'm totally in.


Shannon said...

just call again at a different time, i doubt she works all day... and call to complain about her too. :) maybe you can get her job

Anonymous said...

You write very well.