Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lively Debate? Pfft. Yeah, Whatever.

Picture this. You're sitting in class, talking about the social commentary in a particular literary work, and you voice your valid opinion with eloquence and moderate intelligence when -- before you're even finished -- someone barks, "I don't agree with that because..." and goes off on a tangent about their opinion, which is probably also valid, but isn't done justice because it was delivered in such a non-eloquent, non-intelligent way. (This is not aimed at anybody in particular, just in general.)

Or, try this scenario. You're at an art show and you're admiring the work when someone comes up to you and asks what you think. You, as a moderately intelligent person with eyes, give your opinion of the use of color, painting technique, design principles, etc. and they automatically have to start a debate with you about it and try to make you feel stupid, even though you clearly know what you're talking about.

Now, I don't mind a lively debate every now and then if both parties are up for it and both opinions are voiced intelligently (rather than saying things like, "That's dumb," or "What do YOU know?" or my personal favorite, "Yeah, whatever.") But why in the name of all that is sacred and good would you want to walk up to a person randomly in a public setting and just disagree with them for the sake of debate? And why are you not willing to properly back up your argument? I don't know what is up with these random debates, but I'd prefer not to be caught off guard with some doof's random opinion, and then beaten over the head with it over and over again, only to have the guy/girl end the thing with, "Pffft. Yeah, whatever."

That is just lame and stupid. Don't do it.