Thursday, February 22, 2007

Video Games and the College Student

So, this past weekend was Presidents Day Weekend, which meant a long weekend at home for me. A very welcome long weekend since everyone here has cabin fever because we're all stuck inside together. On Saturday I went to EB Games and got 5 used games for like 30 bucks. Score!
I got Silent Hill 3, Clocktower 3, Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, Devil May Cry, and The Thing (but it doesn't work in my console so I have to take it back, but it was only 6 bucks so what can you expect?) So my weekend was pretty much spent playing Silent Hill 3 until I beat it into submission, vomited up a tiny god, and watched my nemesis eat it.

No, I'm not kidding, that actually happened in the game. You can't make that shit up! At that point in the game I yelled downstairs to my Mom, "Oh my God! A dingo ate my baby!! Or, rather, a dingbat ate my regurgitated featus... Right." Now she's playing it to figure out what the hell I was talking about.

Now I can't wait to go home to my PS2 and play Clocktower 3.