Saturday, April 28, 2007

Silent Hill?

Nope. Just CCNE on the weekend.

This is the third weekend I've stayed here, and it'll probably be the last this semester because we get out in a few weeks, and all of my friends went home. So, it looks like I'll be spending the weekend locked in my room watching youtube (which actually does get boring after a while.) Today I've rearranged my desk and cleaned up a little. I've tried to make everything a little more spacious and more comfortable. (If I'm going to be sitting in front of the computer for 2 or 3 days, I should probably be a little more ergonomical about it.)

Now for a fun compare/contrast list:

Chester College vs. Silent Hill
- There are cars everywhere, but you can't drive any of them (and if you can, you're probably not here.)
- There aren't many people around.
- The people you do come in contact with are probably a little weird (no offense. Remember, I'm here too, so I am also weird.)
- It gets foggy randomly.
- There are random floods and fires.
- When you hear the alarm, get the hell out of dodge!
- There's a map of the building in your room. (If there isn't one, you probably don't live here.)
- There are weird paintings and photos everywhere.
- There are weird things written on the walls. (not necessarily written ON the walls literally)
- It is not uncommon to see a few red stains on the floor (sure, it's probably paint, but who knows for sure?)
- Once it starts snowing, everyone goes crazy. (Snow. Ash. Potato. Pot-ah-toe)
- If you see a random little girl running around and she's not accompanied by anyone, it's a little creepy.
- It wouldn't be out of the ordinary to see someone walking around with a large pyramid thing on his/her head.
- The bathrooms aren't exactly at peak sanitary condition. There's probably a random closed stall door with no one inside, or one falling off the hinges.
- The kitchen's probably not that appealing either.
- The lock on almost every door you come in contact with is broken.
- You need a key to get in. Always.
- Your cell phone may not work here.
- If the power goes out, everything looks red.
- You also need a flashlight^^
- You also can't use the elevator if the power goes out (duh.)^^
- You never know what you're going to find on the other side of the elevator door.
- You will most likely meet someone who knows all about the zombies.
- It is not uncommon to hear any of the following noises: a door closing, footsteps, maniacal laughter, screaming, knocking, moaning, groaning, banging, pounding, etc.
- You may hear eerie music as you're walking down the hall.
- Everyone's got their own shit to take care of, so you're on your own.
- It seems like a good idea at the time, but you always regret opening the fridge.
- Once you're here a while, you want to get the hell out.
- But we love it anyway.

If anyone has anything to add/correct, let me know!