Saturday, July 12, 2008

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

Over the past few months of summer vacation, I haven't been leading a very exciting life. Mostly I sit around the house, read, write. Which I guess could be considered exciting. All I've been doing really is working 3 days a week and getting nagged by my parents to clean the house. "Why do you sleep so late?" says Dad. "Get up and DO something!" I pointed out to him that I really have nothing to do other than work, and when I do work I don't have to get up until at least 11.

He told me to do yard work.

Keep in mind A: We don't have a yard, and B: We have nothing to do yard work with, and C: We have a neighbor behind us with 2 very big and very unfriendly rotties (dogs) who, although they don't on a regular basis, are fully capable of breaking through the bottom of the fence and getting into our yard.

Yeah. I don't think I'll be trying that suicide mission any time soon.

Lately my parents have been getting on me about cleaning the house. "You're home ALL DAY," they say, "And you could easily clean the house." This is true. But, the thing is I DO clean. I clean my stuff. I clean my dirty dishes, clean up my messes, and do the laundry when it piles up. But, it doesn't help that when Mom or Dad would like a hand with something they have an interesting way of letting me know.

It's this thing called telepathy. Where they think I should do something, and therefore I should do it. And if I don't do it, I'm lazy and ungrateful.


My thoughts exactly.

I've told my mom more than once to leave a list of stuff she'd like me to do before she goes to work in the morning so when I wake up I can maybe vaccuum or do an extra load of laundry or something to take the work off her shoulders. But I will not do everything. That's simply not fair. It's not like every dirty thing in this house suddenly belongs to me just because I'm home for the summer. That's just not the way it works.

That aside, I've set a few goals for myself. It's occurred to me that in about 3 weeks I'm going on vacation with my family to Maine... which means the beach... which means a bathing suit for the first time in months. Quite possibly in a full year. Call me Miss Vanity, but I'd like to look less like cottage cheese in my bathing suit than I do now. So, I've started eating smart and today I worked out a little. Some lunges, push-ups, weights, crunches. Nothing too ballsy. Mom and I are supposedly going to go walking next week, hopefully. I figure doing the lunges and such will be good for when I'm not walking.

I also did some cleaning. I'll be sooo pissed if no one notices.