Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Is Mass. the New Vegas?

I heard on the news this morning that they (meaning the government) are trying to make it legal for gay couples from out of state to get married in Massachusetts. Caterers, jewelers, florists, etc. are hoping this happens because it would mean more money for them. Of course there are lots of people who are against it. If this law gets repealed Massachusetts would, theoretically, become a Las Vegas for gay people. (I forget who said that... some big important mucky muck guy.)

I think this is a good thing. Gay people have been living like married couples live just as long as straight people have - so why is it legal for straight people to get married while gay people can't? All I'm hearing in rebuttal to gay marriage is: "Marriage is between a man in a woman in the eyes of God." Says who? Did God tell us gay people couldn't get married? No. The Bible did. Keep in mind the Bible was not written by God. It was written by men. It also says in the Bible that women are to blame for the pain and suffering of all mankind because Eve ate an apple. Seriously, let's pull our heads out of our asses, shall we America? Being gay is not a sin, and the world will not end because gay people are getting married.

What do I say to the possibility of Mass. becoming the Vegas for gay people (as if Vegas belongs to straghties anyway at this point, let's be honest)? I say bring it on! Come get married! All of you!

That's my two cents on the matter. Cheers.


Shannon said...

It's all good for me. More weddings in MA means more opportunities to photograph awesome weddings.
I love that MA is thinking about this. It will do our state a lot of good.