Monday, July 21, 2008

Obama for President Bad for Troops?

This is one of the rare times where I'm posting a pretty serious post. (Sorry if you're expecting something amusing, but please keep reading.)

In my opinion, and I think lots of people out there agree with me, the priority for our next president is to clean up the messes we've made in Iraq and Afghanastan. Let's face it, the War on Terror is something that seemed like a good idea at the time (to Bush and half the country - not to me) , but ultimately it hasn't panned out the way it was supposed to. Consequently our men and women are dying overseas for a cause most of America doesn't even believe in anymore. Not to mention all the Iraqi and Afghani people dying (I'm talking about civilians killed in bombings and such, not terrorists). Our soldiers are being kept in service long after they should've gone home to their families; our economy is in a severe decline; and most importantly the American faith in our government has been shaken. We need to end this war as quickly and painlessly as possible. Our troops have been risking their lives for way too long and we've wasted far too much time and money. And everyone is tired of it.

Getting to Obama (who had my vote up until this morning), apparently his visit to Iraq has changed his way of thinking since he stated that if elected president, he will not only not bring the troops home, but will send more into Afghanistan to "finish what we started".

What the fuck? This is total bullshit. I don't understand this need to "finish what we started". 9/11 was awful and it sucks that it happened, but what the fuck did that have to do with Iraq? There is no proof, nor has there ever been, that Iraq and Saddam had any connection whatsoever with 9/11. Nor is there any proof that there was any ever hint of a god damn nuclear weapon in Iraq. I understand what we're doing in Afghanistan, although I don't necessarily agree that running in half cocked and trying to change their way of living was the best way to go about things. But I've never understood wtf we are doing in Iraq. And now we have to finish something that probably should never have been started in the first place?

Right now I feel like this entire election is a fucking joke. No matter who we vote for nothing's going to get better. No matter who we vote for, no one is going to step up and end this war. It's just going to keep going and going until we have no more soldiers to send over, or no more money to pour into it. And for what? To prove we won't back down? That if you don't think the way we do we'll kick your ass? So we don't look like idiots because we pull our troops out? What is going on over there? Does anyone know?

Oh, government. What are we going to do with you?