Friday, February 1, 2008

Things That Make You Go... Huh?

I've spent most of my week working my ass off to get all my homework and reading done, but now that I have a bit of downtime here are some conversations that just made me laugh.

Over AIM (not exactly quoted. Discussing a myspace survey I posted in a blog in which one of the questions was: If you had to marry someone on your top friends, who would it be?)
Nick: I read your blog and I see my name as an answer to a survey question... in the same sentence as "gun to the head."
Me: Hahaha.
Nick: Really, would it have been so difficult to say that out of me, Kevin, Chris, and lesbian marriage, you'd pick me?
Me: Sorry. I just didn't want you to think I was proposing to you via myspace survey.

Talking to Serah at around 8 pm. (not exactly quoted)
Me: "I need some caffeine."
Serah: "So drink some."
Me: "Well, I have a Mountain Dew in my fridge."
Serah: "That works."
Me: "Well, it is after 8... and I do have a class at 10:30 in the morning."
Serah: (beat) "True."
Me: "I could drink some tea. See, I have a range of caffeine here. There's English Tea, which has caffeine, but doesn't really do much at all. And then there's Earl Grey Tea, which is more relaxing than anything else, but does have a bit of caffeine. Then there's good ol' Lady Grey, which has caffeine and will give me a pick-me-up, but not keep me up all night. And then there's Irish Tea... which is pretty much like a Caffeine Fairy coming up behind you and smacking you in the back of the head."

Over AIM (After listening to soundbites from Corey Feldman's 1999 album out of curiosity)
Me: So, Corey Feldman's music? Creepiest shit I've ever heard.
[a few lines later]
Me: It's like meditation/elevator/creepy music.
Christina: lol
Me: Serah was like, "If there's any heavy breathing you're closing that link!"
Me: And there was!!!!
Christina: LOL
Me: So I did.

After taking a wrong exit on the highway while driving with Christina and trying to find our way back to Chester from Haverhill.
Me: "Just think of Mark Wahlberg and everythin will be okay."
Christina: "Everything is okay... but let's think about him anyway."

Added Friday Afternoon
Over AIM (not exactly quoted)
Christina: I just almost had a heart attack I just got so excited.
Me: ?
Me: Naked Mark?
Christina: Timmy's phone can text again!
Me: Ooh.
Christina: Just kinda all the sudden
Me: Even better
Christina: Naked Mark?
Me: Wahlberg.
Christina: Oh. I'd be excited for that too.


Anonymous said...

So good. I fucking love Mark Wahlberg.