Friday, February 15, 2008


It seemed like the theme of the day today was balance. Seeing as just about every inch of pavement on campus is covered in ice, just getting to and from class without breaking, spraining, or bruising something was an adventure.

As I am walking from a building on one end of campus to my dorm on the other end, I'm stepping in a lot of big puddles. I think to myself, "Finally this shit is melting! It'll be spring soon," or something along those lines, and I step on a puddle that turns out to be a chunk of ice covered in water. I, wearing my fashionable but non-functioning "winter" boots, slide and start trying to save myself by twisting around and balancing. I didn't fall, but I did wrench my knee pretty good in the process, which came back to haunt me several times throughout the day whenever a similar involuntary ice capade took place or I had to walk up or down a set of stairs.

Other than that, I've also been trying to balance homework with something resembling a social life.

What have we learned from this blog post, kids?
Tread carefully through puddles in winter, know when to give yourself a break from work and have some fun, and never buy "winter" boots because they look cute.