Monday, March 31, 2008

Only Happy When it Rains

Okay, so it needs to stop snowing already. I'm sick of blowing my nose every 10 seconds and having to get ready for class 10 minutes earlier than normal so I can prepare for my 3-to-5-minute journey into the chill to the other side of campus. Really, if it takes you more time to get dressed than it does for you to actually get wherever you're going, there's a problem. Which tells you how much I think about what I wear on a daily basis.

The Tudors + Alicia + me = "Nice hat!"

That show is such a lie. Henry VIII was never that sexy.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Mornings Eleven

So today was the beloved Registration Day here at CCNE. Junior registration began at 10:30AM, and Registration here is pretty much run like the DMV: You get there at the designated time, they give you a number, and if the stars align you go register when they call it.

Well, this time around they started giving out numbers early... and not everybody knew about it. So I woke up at 9:30 and was warned by a frantic friend that they were giving out numbers and we hauled ass down there.

But, for the first time I've been at this school I got a good number and got all my classes. Quick and painless... except for the whole tromping around in the 3 inches of snow we got today. Stupid bipolar New England. Anyways, here are my classes for the Fall:
Images and Ideas
Ethics and Contemporary Social Problems
Intro. to Screenwriting
Life Science
Life Science Lab
Lit. and Madness

Oh! And Tommy Vee the hypnotist was a good time. Anyone who wasn't there, you should've been.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Here It Goes Again

Here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again!

Here it is, the last chunk of second semester. And we all know what that means, don't we? That's right, kids, it's Registration time! And didn't it just sneak up on all of us like a blow to the head? Mid-terms, Spring Break, BAM- there it is! I also just signed up for a timeslot for matriculation, another thing that's coming up fast. I feel like these last 6 weeks or so are going to go by like nothing and suddenly it's gonna be Registration, Metriculation, Finals, Summer!

I'm fully aware that I'm kind of rambling. I'm having a rambling kind of week.

And once again, I'm finding myself pondering the mystery of the disappearing Business Officers. They're never there when I need them to sign something.

Meanwhile, Christina and I are trying to think of other cardio-like exercises we can do aside from walking so we can mix it up a bit. If anyone has any suggestions, let us know.

I'm also trying to make my page at look interesting. If anyone can help me with that it would be appreciated.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Let's See How Far We've Come

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but there hasn't been much to update on. I spent the first few days of my Spring Break relaxing, playing video games and such - taking some chill time. Then I spent time with family and friends and got some work done.

Now it's Monday and I'm back at school, getting back to classes and all that. Registration is coming up at the end of the week. Holy shnykees Batman! Christina and I took our first walk of Spring today, a little less than an hour. And we're definitely feeling it. I have a blister on the bottom of my foot, but I feel accomplished. Our goals are to get out more, feel better, get fit, and maybe drop a few pounds. And we get some quality girl talk in, which is always a plus.

Video games played over break: 2
Movies watched: 5 1/2
TV shows caught up on: 3

Cheers, all.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Diet of the Week

You know what's fun? Diets.

You know what's even more fun? Involuntary diets.

I'm on a diet this week that must be just fabulous for quick weight loss.

It's called the Scarf-in-the-Toaster Diet. Here's how it works:
Step 1: Live in a dorm with a common kitchen.
Step 2: Be a slob. Especially in the kitchen. You spill some sauce on the counter? Leave it there! Dirty dishes? Fuck that, just stick 'em in the sink and forget about it. After all, we have people who come in and clean. They can do it!
note: Actually, you don't even need to be the slob. You just need to live in the same building and use the same kitchin as the slob - the results will be the same.
Step 3: Do something retarded like stick a scarf in the toaster after getting 2 warnings about abuse of the kitchen.
note: As before, you don't actually need to do it, just use the same kitchen as the person who does it.
Step 4: The kitchen gets shut down.

Add in some mid-term stress and all-nighters and here is your...

Result: You eat the food you have that doesn't need to be heated (for me: yogurt, fruit, ice cream, cookies, jelly beans, pop tarts, banana chips) food that gives you diahrrea (i.e. the cafeteria sauce and broth which seems to be overly acidic; food from McDonald's, which is cheap and the only thing available within a 5 mile radius at 11 at night). And you're not sleeping a hell of a lot.

I swear I'm losing 10 pounds just from typing this... and it's only been 3 days!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Someone Would...

... Put a Scarf in a Toaster:
10. To warm it up because they don't want to toss it in the dryer
9. To see what would happen.
8. Because they thought it would be fun to take an early morning fieldtrip out in the snow to wait for the fire department.
7. To hide it somewhere no one would think to look.

You know what, I can't think of six more reasons. Hell, even those are pathetic at best, and that's being kind.

Thanks to some shmuck who for one of the above reasons, or something entirely different that in their moronic brain resembled logic, decided to put a scarf in the toaster.... a SCARF in the TOASTER... our kitchen's locked and I can't make any of the food I bought over the weekend and I can't make my tea.

Did I mention I fucking hate it here this semester?