Friday, June 27, 2008

Swimming In Your Stomache

Alright, folks, here's the good news. My size 8 shorts are too big. Wooo! I also decided to treat myself and get some CD's. I ordered 2 Antje Duvekot CD's off and am patiently awaiting their arrival. If you haven't heard of her you should check her out. I'm friends with her on MySpace. I also had a good day with Mom yesterday. We went to the Mall and I got the 2 newest Alanis Morissette CD's. The Collection, which is made up of her most recognizable songs and her "favorites". I also got her brand new one Flavors of Entanglment, which I love love love. It's got the same emotion and some of the same style as her earlier stuff, but it's also been tweaked and sort of updated. It's a good different.

Now here's the bad stuff. Well, not really bad, just things that are worrying me that I should probably put out there. Somewhere.

As the whole country knows, our economy sucks lots right now. And I'm very worried that I won't be able to get a student loan for the fall. VERY worried. A few weeks ago it looked like even if we couldn't get a loan (because our loan company was one of the ones that decided not to do student loans or something) we'd still be able to get the money. Now it looks like no. We got a letter from our loan company saying they could offer us some other type of loan, but we won't get details on that until next month. So we won't even know if we can apply until then, and if we do apply there's no guaruntee we'll get the money.

So I'm very upset about that right now. Mostly because the thought of hanging around the house working where I work now possibly long-term makes me want to punch a puppy. Well, not really. But it makes me very very sad and angry. I'm intelligent, dammit, and I have dreams. I will not have them squashed so early. I'm not going to be a coffee pourer or a server for the rest of my life. I did not go to a good high school and work my ass off for an education to not finish or to pour coffee and deal with people's bullshit. "I wanted 7 and a half sugars, not 8. and I wanted a bacon egg and cheese sandwich, not an egg cheese and bacon. And is that croissant toasted? What do you mean you can't toast it because your toaster will catch fire?? And can you be a dear and spread the cream cheese on the bagel for me?" NO! I CAN'T! As you can see, I work with a bunch of fucktards for the most part and the manager can't even write out a schedule without fucking it up. So NO, I will not put fucking non-fat blueberry cream cheese on your goddamn low-fat toasted bagel. Do it yourself, it'll be good exercise! By the way, don't bother doing lowfat anything if you're eating at Dunkin Donuts, asshole.

*Sigh* I feel better.

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Harmonic Connection Between All Living Beings

This isn't so much a blog post as much as it is a list of all the CD's I want to buy before the end of the summer, plus a bit of celebrity gossip discussion.

First, the music. I know, who buys CD's anymore, right? Apparently I do:
Copenhagan by Chris Townsend
Don't Look Away by Kate Voegele
Antje Duvekot (whatever I can find)
3 Doors Down by 3 Doors Down
Colbie Callet
Sara Bareilles
Course of Nature
Tyler Hilton

I don't know the titles of the last 5, but I want to get them nonetheless. Tyler Hilton's isn't out yet, but I'm keeping my eye out.

Now for some celebrity stuff. First of all, Sharon Stone, wtf were you thinking? The earthquake in China was KARMA??!! And you're surprised people were offended. Tsk, tsk. And, not to be Chris Crocker, but why is every magazine I pick up knocking Britney's body? Is she as lean and toned as she was when she was 18? No. But she looks damn good, especially after having 2 kids. It just bothers me.

That's my 2 cents for now.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

What I Got

Is a job. Good because I could use the cash, but not so good because I've discovered I don't really like serving food products to people.

I've also been watching some movies. There's a bit of a lull in our netflix queue, so we've rented Halloween (Rob Zombie style) and National Treasure 2. Before that it was Nancy Drew, which I wasn't too keen on watching, but we did anyway. Not bad. Before that it was a few 8 Films of Horror selections. One was so forgettable I can't remember the title, and the other was Tooth and Nail, which was predictable but not too bad. Yay for Rider Strong and underground horror movies.

I've just discovered, thanks to Melissa Joan Hart's MySpace, the band Course of Nature, which I actually really enjoy. Check them out at:

That's all I got for now. Sorry it's not very amusing.