Wednesday, April 23, 2008

World Spins Madly On

The past few weeks have been kind of busy, whirring by so that everything is blurry and I often can't remember what day it is - not even kidding. If it weren't for my classes I'd be totally lost within the week. But, that's not to say this is a bad thing. The workload has lightened a bit in some classes, and is chugging on in others. I seem to have more time to get things done, although I still have quite a bit to get done - if that makes any sense.

I don't have class Monday, so I'll most likely take a long weekend at home to spend some time with family and friends I've been neglecting. (Don't worry, Jamie! I'll still model for you on Monday!) Hopefully I can clean out my kayak and go out on the lake with it, but that's probably wishful thinking.

I saw a trailer for The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe and I'd heard about this movie beforehand and was a little worried. I've come to grudgingly accept the fact that my generation is not going to be known for the fantastic movies produced. Everything is a remake, a sequel, or a copy of something else. No one's daringly original anymore... well, some people are, I'm sure, but they're few and far between. So when I heard that they were making a sequel to The Lost Boys, which was the very first "horror" movie I ever saw as a kid (I think I was 10 at the time) and has a special place in my heart as one of my favorites, my first thought was, "Oh my God, no." But, now that I have seen the trailer (which can be found at after searching for The Lost Boys: The Tribe) I'm kind of excited. Jamie pointed out that it struck her more as a tribute than a sequel. It seems like they stuck with the original feel and style of the movie, but tweaked it to make it appeal to a new audience. And, it looked like BOTH Coreys were present, so I think all that stuff about Haim being difficult was hype for their show. Oh, and Aiden's cover of Cry Little Sister playing in the trailer = awesome.

I figured I'd post an update now since I'll probably be focusing on finals and end-of-the-year stuff for a while.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Weekend Reviews

Hello there ladies and gent's. How's this lovely spring weather treating you? I'm loving it, although my sinuses seem to be hating the air change at the moment.

How was my weekend, you ask? Well, just dandy. Let me tell you about it.

Due to my absent-minded forgetfulness, my plans to work on my art history paper over the weekend fell through and I was unable to do more than construct a skeletal outline. And then mom rented The Mist and the game Condemned 2: Bloodshot, which I've been anxiously anticipating playing for some months now. So, I had an unplanned slacker weekend of movie watching and video game playing.

What did I think of them, you ask? Well, it just so happens I plan to tell you.

I enjoyed The Mist, which is based on a novella by Stephen King, although I experienced a lot of deja vu during the unfolding events. "Hmm," I thought to myself, "a bunch of random characters trapped together in one place... child sacrifice to the devil in the name of God... Storm of the Century, anyone?" Or, "Hmm, a man and his son trying to survive the end of the world and later travelling down this ruined stretch of highway amidst terrible new dangers... The Road or Cell, even?" Although I did enjoy the movie and the crazy characters portrayed by little-known actors, I found myself wondering - as I do while watching many movies made within the last 10 years - where has the originality gone? Christina and I had this discussion and I'm sure I've had it with many people, so I won't bore anyone with the details. But, one of the things I hope to achieve as a writer is originality. There are only so many stories that can be told. The trick is to find a new and interesting way of telling them. Although I'm not quite there yet, I'm learning and trying to write something entertaining, literary, and original.

I'll let you know how that works out...

And now for Condemned 2: Bloodshot. This game kicks ass! I played the first one and enjoyed it - it was the scariest game I've played since Silent Hill, and there was more to it than just blood and gore (although that was part of its charm). There was a good story line, there were well-developed characters, and you got to investigate crime scenes. Condemned 2 takes all the good qualities of the first game and improves them. More gore, more characters, more backstory, and more challenging investigations. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that they "sexed up" the look of the characters. Look at screen shots of Ethan and Rosa from the first game and compare them to the second and you'll see what I mean. I liked it better when they were more real and less Hollywood. But, other than that, I liked it a lot.

That's about it other than the awesome adventure I had with a few cool ladies yesterday, but more about that later. Right now I'm off to take my second exam of the day, which hopefully goes better than the first did.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Bit of an Issue

I discovered on this lovely spring day that I have a bit of an issue. The weather's slowly but surely warming up, although it's not quite warm yet. But the only jackets I have here are really light and don't do much, and my big puffy winter jacket. And I don't own any long-sleeved shirts. Come to think of it, my wardrobe pretty much consists of jeans + old, worn out t-shirt... and half the time the jeans don't really fit.

I think I'm in dire need of a wardrobe makeover. Alas, I lack the cash to fix my problem.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Put Me In A Car

... and undoubtedly some weird and crazy adventure will happen. I've had 2 car misadventures in 3 days. Want to hear about them? Come on, you know you do.

Misadventure #1: The Tewksbury Tire Incident
Place: Tewksbury, somewhere between Wal-Mart and home.
Time: Around 10 PM Saturday
Involving: Me, a kickass girl named Kim, Kim's awesome dad.

So, at around 4 in the afternoon after Dad and I got back from an amazing new Mexican restaurant called Casa Blanca, I accompanied Kim on a shopping journey to the Mall for supplies for her future apartment. This was an adventure in itself, but in a good way. She got some good buys and we did a lot of chatting and window shopping. Later there was Food Courting and Bennett visiting. But our story begins after we left the Mall, failing to find an alarm clock for less than $27. "Wal-Mart," I say. "I'll bet they'll have one cheap at Wal-Mart." And off we go. We got to Wal-Mart fine, and Kim got a sweet deal on an alarm clock... that was also an iPod speaker set. It was on the way back that we encountered the Pothole. No, that is not a typo. That "P" is capitalized because this pothole was no ordinary pothole. This pothole was epic. I could describe it in detail, but you'd only think I was exaggerating. Let's just say that tiny children would run in fear of this Pothole if they knew what it was capable of. Brave men would crumble in the midst of this Pothole and women would flee and cry out in trembling fear.

You get the point, right? Big ass Pothole.

Because the street was so dark, Kim didn't see the Pothole until it was right in front of us and even when she tried to swerve it didn't do much. We were beyond hope at that point. The Pothole had set its sights on us and we didn't stand a chance. I felt the tire below me come to blows with the Pothole and then the car began to rattle and make a terrible metallic screeching noise. It appears the tire has lost the battle with the Pothole.

Needless to say, Kim had to pull over and her dad came to the rescue to change her tire after we waited a while and watched about 27 cars pass by without slowing down or offering to help. Nice society we live in, huh?

Props to my mom for picking me up from Kim's house at 11:30.

Misadventure #2: Christina and Noel's Bogus Journey
Place: All Over New Hampshire
Time: 4:30-10:30 PM Tuesday
Involving: Me, Christina, and a bunch of random cashiers.

"Hey, I have to go to Barnes & Noble to get a book for class. Want to come?" Christina asks. I say "Okay" because I have nothing pressing to do. We started out okay, browsing Barnes & Noble, stopping at Burger King, heading to the Salem Mall. We went to Borders, looked at some adorable puppies, I tried on some hats. After not having found the book at Barnes & Nobel or Borders, we go to the Manchester Mall, which incidentally doesn't have a bookstore in it... at all. Not one. They did have a gigantic picture of a hot model near their entrance, which was pretty sweet. Then we tried one more Barnes & Noble... I think. It's all kind of a blur. But no luck. So we decide to drive around downtown Manchester looking for a used bookstore we're told might help. Sketchiest car ride ever. And we found nothing. We talked in silly accents on the way back to Chester. She was Carla from Scrubs and I was Keira Knightly. It was pretty nifty.

I bought French for Dummies online for 92 cents. Way better than $9.99. I'm pretty damn proud of myself.