Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Ruins

So this is a bit late, but oh well.

I saw The Ruins about a week ago. Not a bad horror movie. It definitely had me jumping and cringing a lot. But I'm in the middle of reading the book and one thing bothers me... dumbing down the characters for the film adaptation. I thought the film was well done, but the characters annoyed the hell out of me. They seemed to just lack complete common sense most of the time, except for Jeff (played by Jonathan Tucker), who is just downright scary at some points. I think the one that bothered me most, though was Amy (played by Jena Malone). In the book she's a little moody, but not stupid. And Stacy (can't remember who played her off the top of my head... go check IMDB if you're that curious), wtf? She went from being this flighty, spacy chick in the book to a dumb blond slut in the movie, which bugged the hell out of me. Why were the girls so freaking dumb?

I also haven't finished the book yet (and probably won't until the winter when I have time to read it again).

I'm going to stop ranting now because if I don't I'll just keep going. I'm guessing you get the gist by now.

Oh, and this doesn't mean I didn't like the actors' performances. Just that I think the entire movie became more plot-oriented and ignored the characters.

That's all.