Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Head Underwater...

... and they tell me to breathe easy for a while.

So the song doesn't really describe my life, but that one line kind of does.
This is the first full week of classes and I'm trying to get into the swing of things and trying not to let myself procrastinate. If you don't start a bad habit, you don't have to break it, right?
I feel a little overwhelmed by classwork right now. I have a lot of reading to do for all of them and there's only so much reading you can do before your eyes stop cooperating. And I have to draw for Graphic Design, and drawings never feel finished... kind of like stories. I'm forever editing and re-working things. I'm just afraid of falling behind.
And my class schedule isn't ideal. My earliest class is at 10:30 a.m., which isn't even really that early, and my only night class is on Thursdays from 6 to 8:50, so the time isn't so bad. But I don't see my friends as much as I'd like because our schedules don't match up and we all have work to do. I feel a little detached from people, a little isolated. So that's not so good.
That's pretty much life right now.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life's Like an Hourglass

So, classes start tomorrow. I have Art History II at 10:30 and Graphic Design I at 4. I have no books yet because I'm poor. Never a good time.

I'm looking forward to Advanced Fiction and Intro to Existentialism, although they're both on Thursday, which is going to be my most insane day. Hopefully I'll get some good writing accomplished this semester. I've been in a slump the past few months.

I have an urge to make silly youtube videos soon. I don't know what of, but some kind of parody I hope.

RIP Heath Ledger<--- heard about that in the middle of writing this blog. :(

Monday, January 21, 2008

Here We Are Again

I'm back at Chester. Once again, it's like I never left.

Classes start Wednesday. I still need books I can't afford. We'll see how I manage to pull that off.

That's about it for now.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

As Vacation Comes to an End

... I am possibly getting a cold. Figures, I had 4 weeks to get sick and I do it right before going back to school.

Well, Jamie and Serah came over this past weekend and we had some quality giggling, which was good.

I've been watching Season 1 of The Tudors. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

I'm getting ready to go back to Chester and resume the chaos.

Monday, January 7, 2008

My Winter Break So Far

I know I haven't updated this in forever, but only because I haven't been doing much worth talking about. I haven't gone to some lovely vacation spot like Miami or the Bahamas; I haven't gone anywhere at all since I don't have a car and it's too freezing most of the time to walk; I have worked (one day) so that's some money, anyway.

But I have been writing, which is always good. And I've been watching a lot of movies, playing video games, and listening to music. So here are some reviews and opinions. There are a few so I'll keep them brief.

Catch and Release (movie starring Jennifer Garner and Timothy Olyphant)
I have to say, although I wasn't too eager to watch this until it was on TV at 2 a.m. when nothing else was on, this was the first movie in a long time that I thoroughly enjoyed. The story was original and the characters were realistic. The casting was great, and the performances reflected that. I especially enjoyed seeing Timothy Olyphant play a character that wasn't evil or psychotic. And then when you throw Kevin Smith in the mix of anything, it can't possibly suck.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary (video game for xbox 360)
I love Tomb Raider, and Lara is the opitomy of the strong female character. But this game was a big disappointment for me. I played Angel of Darkness on Playstation 2, and although the game pissed me off with its glitches and such, I did like the storyline and the overall idea of it. It was a good play, even if it was frustrating and graphically challenged. But then I played Legend on xbox and was completely blown away. Lara looked more realistic and was normally proportioned; the scenary was absolutely beautiful; Lara moved smoothly; and you got to drive the motorcycle! And lets not forget the outfits and all the worthwhile unlockables. That game had definite replayability. But Anniversary has almost no story, barely any fighting, no driving, and Lara (no offence to my favorite globetrotter) looks like she should be spinning around a different kind of poll, if you catch my meaning. There was just no thought put into this game other than, "What's the most complicated possible way we can think of to get this door open?" My over-all analysis: Sure, it may look pretty and move smoothly, but that's about all this game has to offer.

Garden State (Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I know it's been out for a while now, but I've just managed to scrounge up the money to buy it. I love every song on this soundtrack. Totally worth the money. "Listen to these songs. They'll change your life."

That's it for now. Enjoy!