Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So here's what's on the schedule for this week:

Friday- Class Registration (Someone punch me in the face to distract me from this bullshit)
- 1st show of 365 Days, 365 Plays (yeah, I'm in it and totally tweaking)
Saturday- 2nd show of 365.
Sunday- Nana's Birthday.
Monday- Back to school.

So you can imagine how exciting this week has been in preparation for all of these things.
Toss in some PMS and some allergies and we're cookin' with gas.

...which means there could either be an amazing outcome... or something could blow up.
We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Blog About Nothing

Hey, it worked for Seinfeld.

So, my spring break is nearly over and I'm going back to school on Monday. I haven't gone anywhere or seen anyone, sadly. I've been watching movies and playing video games, and contemplating life.

When I watch a movie, strange as it sounds, a part of my brain tries to apply it to my life: a current problem or situation, or one in the past. Whatever. Yesterday I watched The Departed and The Holiday. An interesting combination back-to-back. The former is about organized crime and corrupt cops in Boston (Really? You don't say!). The latter is about 2 depressed women, fresh out of difficult break-ups, who switch homes for 2 weeks. One is a crime-thriller with lots of blood, cursing, and back-stabbing; the other is a total chick flick featuring quirky humor and emotionally distraught women. So watching them both in one sitting was a little jarring.

I was easily able to relate The Holiday to my life. I mean, what girl hasn't wanted to just say screw it and just take off? The Departed, however, was difficult. I am not a crime boss, nor am I a corrupt statie from Boston, nor am I a shrink playing both sides. But I do like the song "Shipping Up To Boston" by the Dropkick Murphys and I know people who live in Boston. I guess that's close enough.

And if I ever decide to refer to these movies to solve any of my problems, please hope I pick The Holiday. I really don't want to have to kill anyone. Although I've been told I could fit several bodies into the crawlspace of my loftbed...

In other news, I saved Anne Darrow from some dinosaurs today in the PS2 game King Kong. It was awsome.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What happens when you wish for vacation to start sooner?

...Your dorm floods and you evacuate.

No, I am not kidding.

So first Adams Hall catches on fire because of some contractor's genius idea to melt a frozen pipe with an industrial heating lamp. Now Adams re-opens after extensive repair from water and smoke damage -- not to mention the inconvenience to all the Adams residents who had to live in a hotel in Derry for several weeks. Now Preston Hall is out of comission. Why? Because a sprinkler pipe burst and dumped a shitload of water in the main upstairs hall, flooding the 10 rooms in the hallway and damaging parts of the first floor.

So those Preston residents whose rooms were damaged were going to stay in the hotel (yes, the very same hotel the Adams residents just checked out of) while the rest of us stayed in Preston and tried to ignore the in-your-face irony. Then we're told that not only is the sprinkler system out of comission, but also the fire alarm system is shorted out. Therefore, if there is a fire (a FIRE? At CCNE? You don't say!!) we're basically sitting ducks with no defenses. So we're told we can't legally stay in the building and have to haul ass out of there.

Dear Chester College,

Do us all a favor and fix the pipes... And the heat. And stop telling us to calm down when there's a disaster that we're totally NOT paying $24,000 to experience. Where are the hidden cameras and what ancient burial ground did you build this friggin school on?

Yours Truly,

p.s. So that hotel probably loves all the business they're getting... But the Fire Department effing hates us.

Monday, March 5, 2007

It's Time for a Vacation when... find yourself wanting to bash your head against the wall just to distract yourself from the amount of bullshit you have to deal with.

Everyone hates you, even if you do nothing wrong. Everyone's paranoid, even if they have no reason to be. And everyone is trying to study for midterms.

Everyone is ready for vacation, and ready to throw down as a potential distraction.

Jeez, people! Lighten up! I've never wanted to yell "Jerk alert!" in serious context before in my life until now. (Anyone who hasn't seen The Goonies, you should.)

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Letter to the World

Dear Assholes,

Stay the fuck away from me for once.

Your pal,

p.s. See you all on Monday.