Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Can't Stop the World

Alright. So I haven't posted in forever. My life's been pretty dull. Video games. Movies. Lost. Silly nights with a few great girls. Same ol' same ol'.

The past few days have been a rollercoaster of craptacular. I'm having trouble getting loans for the next semester, so we're going to play that day by day, I guess. But it's pretty crappy all the same.

And I totally forgot about the Dixie Chicks until today. I woke up and there was a documentary or something about them. I've been listening to Travelin' Soldier. Effing love that song.

And we all know she was right about Bush.

I cried,
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy.
Too young for him, they told her
Waitin' on the love of a travelin' soldier.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Same Old Song and Dance

Yes, I'm aware - SEVERE lack of postage. No excuse!

...But, there is an explanation.
My computer has been all kinds of effed up the past few months. In mid-October-ish it got an uber load of adware and a few viruses. Every time I went on the interent it killed my computer a little, so I had to stop it for a while. $80 and several scans later, I've just gotten it back in working order the past few weeks, and yesterday my AIM and Internet Explorer stopped working and were blocked by one of my protective do-dads. Luckily, I've got Firefox and that is working. But I had to re-locate all my bookmarks.

And now, here I am.

Here's what you've missed: Homework, minor mental breakdown, epic story idea, dorm evacuation, minor mental breakdown, zombies and turkey, a humbug and rattling chains, and now some finals.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Haven't posted in a while (obviously). It's not that there's been nothing worth posting about. I've just been focusing on homework and haven't really felt like blogging.

Today I asked my roommate to horde hot water from the cafe so I could make tea. "Why?" you ask. My dorm, once again has no kitchen. We still have one. I mean it didn't get taken out by the limb of a flailing tree or anything like that - It's still there. We just can't use it because some people are slobs.

It's fucking October, people! Wayyy too early in the year for this crap.

I'd like to think we can change the way the dorms are run, make them a little more grown up and a little less preschool. But I realize now that we can't. Because no matter how many non-slobby people live here, it only takes one. Just one slob to fuck the whole place over and get the kitchen shut down. Whenever they try to ease up on the rules, there will always be some moron around to gleefully prove that we need them. And then they'll happily bitch and moan about it to whoever will listen.

The answer to our problems is very simple here, people. Grow the fuck up! Pick up your trash, wash your own dishes, take your laundry out of the dryer and - here's a thought out of left field - fold them yourself instead of just leaving them wherever, wipe your own ass, and grow the fuck up!! Or else go back and live with your parents.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Those Pesky Life Transitions

Sorry it's been a little while since my last post. First nothing interesting was going on, and then I got very busy very quickly as the time came for me to move back to my dorm for school. I was an Orientation Leader again this year, so I came back a few days earlier than the rest of the upper-classmen. I had barely any time for anything when I got back, since I was training and team-building and whatnot. It was a good time though. I got to climb a rock wall.

Now that classes are in full swing, I had a bit of a hiccup. I realized as I was sitting in my first Science class of the semester that I was experiencing some severe deja vu. Either I was having a "Twilight Zone" moment where everything seemed eerily familiar, or I'd done this before. I talked to my Advisor and, sure enough, I had already taken that science class.


So I spent the rest of my Thursday morning and afternoon waiting around for administrative staff to come back from whatever alternate dimension they'd conveniently disappeared to while simultaneously hunting down professors and begging to switch into/out of their classes.

I did get some good story ideas while in the sitting around waiting moments, though.

Let's see, what else is new? Well, I watched Obama's Democratic Acceptance Speech. Still voting for him. He's got a new way of thinking and a new approach to solving our problems that I believe we desperately need. McCain's "This is the way it shall be done because this is the way it's always been done" attitude will get us nowhere at bullet-speed. Sorry, sir, but we cannot put the women back in the kitchen, and we cannot put the gays back in the closet. Not only is it silly to do that, but it's also impossible. McCain has an old way of thinking, which may not necessarily be right or wrong, but it definitely does not fit our modern issues. We need to focus on fixing the mess we've created and think about the future consequences of our actions rather than making an even bigger clusterfuck out of this country. I think Obama, although he's young and not everyone agrees with his ideas, will help this country in ways that McCain cannot. We need a President who is old enough to have some life experience and to have made something of himself, but young enough to understand this generation and to remember what it was like to have nothing. We need a President who thinks of his daughters and the future when he makes decisions, not one who does the same shit Bush has done and doesn't understand us. Plus, if McCain dies, we get stuck with a 40-something-year-old hockey mom with zero experience. Then what, America? Then what?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Ruins

So this is a bit late, but oh well.

I saw The Ruins about a week ago. Not a bad horror movie. It definitely had me jumping and cringing a lot. But I'm in the middle of reading the book and one thing bothers me... dumbing down the characters for the film adaptation. I thought the film was well done, but the characters annoyed the hell out of me. They seemed to just lack complete common sense most of the time, except for Jeff (played by Jonathan Tucker), who is just downright scary at some points. I think the one that bothered me most, though was Amy (played by Jena Malone). In the book she's a little moody, but not stupid. And Stacy (can't remember who played her off the top of my head... go check IMDB if you're that curious), wtf? She went from being this flighty, spacy chick in the book to a dumb blond slut in the movie, which bugged the hell out of me. Why were the girls so freaking dumb?

I also haven't finished the book yet (and probably won't until the winter when I have time to read it again).

I'm going to stop ranting now because if I don't I'll just keep going. I'm guessing you get the gist by now.

Oh, and this doesn't mean I didn't like the actors' performances. Just that I think the entire movie became more plot-oriented and ignored the characters.

That's all.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Current Events

Okay, so I'm still voting for Obama. I was just a little shocked about his decision regarding the war. Where is he planning on getting these troops to put in Afghanistan? Is he taking them from Iraq? Does that mean we're done in Iraq? What's going on?

So that's that.

In other news, did anybody hear about Shia LaBeouf's car accident? Yeesh. I would not have wanted to be the girl in the death seat of that car. You're a cutie, Shia, but nothing about that looked fun. I don't think the guy should be raked over the coals in the media for it, though. Everybody makes mistakes. Actors are no different. Okay, the drinking part of the drinking and driving, not the smartest idea, but hopefully he won't be doing that again.

By the way, Eagle Eye looks awesome.

Speaking of movies, I just watched The Lost Boys: The Tribe. Man, what the hell happened? It seems to me like they had a good idea going and about halfway through the movie it just all fell apart. And the ending was way too easy. Where's the twist the first one had? It looked like they were trying to make Alan Frogg or Sam the actual head vampire, but then they just didn't. I don't know what the hell happened here. Oh, and wayyy too many boobs for my liking. Feldman's character was great. Corey Haim wasn't even in it, really, neither was Alan Frogg. They did have a really sweet cover of Cry Little Sister, though.

Okay, lastly: Kiera Knightley. For anyone reading this who doesn't know, Kiera refused to allow her cleavage to be made more appealing with digital editing in her upcoming movie. Let me just say: woot.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Obama for President Bad for Troops?

This is one of the rare times where I'm posting a pretty serious post. (Sorry if you're expecting something amusing, but please keep reading.)

In my opinion, and I think lots of people out there agree with me, the priority for our next president is to clean up the messes we've made in Iraq and Afghanastan. Let's face it, the War on Terror is something that seemed like a good idea at the time (to Bush and half the country - not to me) , but ultimately it hasn't panned out the way it was supposed to. Consequently our men and women are dying overseas for a cause most of America doesn't even believe in anymore. Not to mention all the Iraqi and Afghani people dying (I'm talking about civilians killed in bombings and such, not terrorists). Our soldiers are being kept in service long after they should've gone home to their families; our economy is in a severe decline; and most importantly the American faith in our government has been shaken. We need to end this war as quickly and painlessly as possible. Our troops have been risking their lives for way too long and we've wasted far too much time and money. And everyone is tired of it.

Getting to Obama (who had my vote up until this morning), apparently his visit to Iraq has changed his way of thinking since he stated that if elected president, he will not only not bring the troops home, but will send more into Afghanistan to "finish what we started".

What the fuck? This is total bullshit. I don't understand this need to "finish what we started". 9/11 was awful and it sucks that it happened, but what the fuck did that have to do with Iraq? There is no proof, nor has there ever been, that Iraq and Saddam had any connection whatsoever with 9/11. Nor is there any proof that there was any ever hint of a god damn nuclear weapon in Iraq. I understand what we're doing in Afghanistan, although I don't necessarily agree that running in half cocked and trying to change their way of living was the best way to go about things. But I've never understood wtf we are doing in Iraq. And now we have to finish something that probably should never have been started in the first place?

Right now I feel like this entire election is a fucking joke. No matter who we vote for nothing's going to get better. No matter who we vote for, no one is going to step up and end this war. It's just going to keep going and going until we have no more soldiers to send over, or no more money to pour into it. And for what? To prove we won't back down? That if you don't think the way we do we'll kick your ass? So we don't look like idiots because we pull our troops out? What is going on over there? Does anyone know?

Oh, government. What are we going to do with you?