Friday, October 3, 2008

Haven't posted in a while (obviously). It's not that there's been nothing worth posting about. I've just been focusing on homework and haven't really felt like blogging.

Today I asked my roommate to horde hot water from the cafe so I could make tea. "Why?" you ask. My dorm, once again has no kitchen. We still have one. I mean it didn't get taken out by the limb of a flailing tree or anything like that - It's still there. We just can't use it because some people are slobs.

It's fucking October, people! Wayyy too early in the year for this crap.

I'd like to think we can change the way the dorms are run, make them a little more grown up and a little less preschool. But I realize now that we can't. Because no matter how many non-slobby people live here, it only takes one. Just one slob to fuck the whole place over and get the kitchen shut down. Whenever they try to ease up on the rules, there will always be some moron around to gleefully prove that we need them. And then they'll happily bitch and moan about it to whoever will listen.

The answer to our problems is very simple here, people. Grow the fuck up! Pick up your trash, wash your own dishes, take your laundry out of the dryer and - here's a thought out of left field - fold them yourself instead of just leaving them wherever, wipe your own ass, and grow the fuck up!! Or else go back and live with your parents.