Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Those Pesky Life Transitions

Sorry it's been a little while since my last post. First nothing interesting was going on, and then I got very busy very quickly as the time came for me to move back to my dorm for school. I was an Orientation Leader again this year, so I came back a few days earlier than the rest of the upper-classmen. I had barely any time for anything when I got back, since I was training and team-building and whatnot. It was a good time though. I got to climb a rock wall.

Now that classes are in full swing, I had a bit of a hiccup. I realized as I was sitting in my first Science class of the semester that I was experiencing some severe deja vu. Either I was having a "Twilight Zone" moment where everything seemed eerily familiar, or I'd done this before. I talked to my Advisor and, sure enough, I had already taken that science class.


So I spent the rest of my Thursday morning and afternoon waiting around for administrative staff to come back from whatever alternate dimension they'd conveniently disappeared to while simultaneously hunting down professors and begging to switch into/out of their classes.

I did get some good story ideas while in the sitting around waiting moments, though.

Let's see, what else is new? Well, I watched Obama's Democratic Acceptance Speech. Still voting for him. He's got a new way of thinking and a new approach to solving our problems that I believe we desperately need. McCain's "This is the way it shall be done because this is the way it's always been done" attitude will get us nowhere at bullet-speed. Sorry, sir, but we cannot put the women back in the kitchen, and we cannot put the gays back in the closet. Not only is it silly to do that, but it's also impossible. McCain has an old way of thinking, which may not necessarily be right or wrong, but it definitely does not fit our modern issues. We need to focus on fixing the mess we've created and think about the future consequences of our actions rather than making an even bigger clusterfuck out of this country. I think Obama, although he's young and not everyone agrees with his ideas, will help this country in ways that McCain cannot. We need a President who is old enough to have some life experience and to have made something of himself, but young enough to understand this generation and to remember what it was like to have nothing. We need a President who thinks of his daughters and the future when he makes decisions, not one who does the same shit Bush has done and doesn't understand us. Plus, if McCain dies, we get stuck with a 40-something-year-old hockey mom with zero experience. Then what, America? Then what?